Inserm US-55

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Our Mission

Accelerate the development of mRNA technologies through a coherent set of partnership projects.

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Messenger RNA

Success of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. Proof of concept studies of a large variety of  applications. Promising ongoing clinical trials

They support us

logo european unionlogo stiftung charitylogo anrlogo university of orleanslogo bpi france
logo european unionlogo stiftung charitylogo anrlogo university of orleanslogo bpi france
logo sanofilogo c valologo ligue against cancerregion val de loire logoeuropean innovation council
logo sanofilogo c valologo ligue against cancerregion val de loire logoeuropean innovation council
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Meet our team

Over the past decade, she has been particularly interested in mRNA-based vaccines and therapies and is developing innovative formulations for vaccination, cell therapy and protein replacement therapy.

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Research projects and networks, financial support and collaborations.

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In network with integrators and certified platforms in the territorry.

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